Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Photos by Jen Brown

Kickoff Dinner; photo contest display beyond

Kickoff dinner
Presentation of the Best of Show Award to Patty Brinkmeyer for her photo "Don't come any closer"
From left: Patty Brinkmeyer; David Plunkett (Chair, Migration Celebration); Peggy and Pete Romfh (Photo Contest co-chairs)

Butterfly Encounter

Butterfly Enounter

Butterfly Enounter

Butterfly Enounter

Dave Brandes


Butterfly Enounter

Microscope Lab

Kid Art

Fish Prints

Bug Sweeping led by Mike Mullins

Bug Sweeping led by Mike Mullins

Kid Fishing

Kid Fishing

Photo Contest Exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

David Daniels, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Brazoria County

Friends of Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge

Houston-Galveston Area Council

Marsh Buggy


Kid Fishing

Kid Fishing

Animal Pelts

Animal Pelts


Steve Hoddy, President, EarthQuest. presents four Birds of Prey Programs at Migration Celebration

Phil Huxford, Program Manager, Birds of Prey Program, with Utah, a Ferruginous Hawk

Audience gathers for Birds of Prey program

Audience gathers for Birds of Prey program

Audience gathers for Birds of Prey program

Audience gathers for Birds of Prey program


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American Alligator seen on Marsh Buggy ride

American Alligator seen on Marsh Buggy ride